The monotony of gaming and now for something completely different!

Finally I’ve decided not to give up on the first post and continue to actually post something. Something I think is worth talking about, I know this is just me dribbling on and doubtful anyone will read but hey ho here I go.

As the title goes I’m finding myself with the monotony of gaming. Which basically means the constant repetition is slowly becoming tiresome. However, I’m suggesting in anyway this affect all gamers or games, this is mostly regarding myself and it’s a horrible thought.

Now usually when I’m not playing a game I’m aimlessly wasting my time on social media, news sites and of course YouTube, but this now is becoming more and more frequent for me and I sort of blame myself for not indulging into more diverse games. For example while I waste my time loosing faith in humanity whenever I see a idiotic tweet such as “Just breathed in and exhaled..I like air” I feel ashamed that I have to find something to watch to keep my sanity which usually leads me too some Top 10 video on YouTube then I feel the fool. So playing a game is the next best but this leads to another problem.

Just like how you shouldn’t think too much about remembering your pin number you shouldn’t for games. I’ve mostly find myself enjoying and playing a game for longer when I’ve just jumped into a game and started playing. If you sit there staring at your wide collection of games whether it be your Steam games or console games just pick one and play it, don’t think too much which to play just do it.

This is basically working on Impulse. Impulse is the sudden urge to do something or some cases buying something. We all do it and more frequent than others, I admit I do it a lot when buying shit off the internet you just can’t help yourself, I’m not talking about big expensive stuff just the little things that wouldn’t normally buy but you think fuck it it’s only 3.99.

So using that same method in gaming is good. My biggest problem is sitting down and blankly staring at my steam games and thinking and thinking over and over about which to play and when I do select the game I want to play I end up playing it for like 15-20 mins or if it’s a multilayer game I do a couple of matches and boom bored now back to YouTube!

That this bad when it happens and we all do it the typically oh I can’t be arsed attitude and even happens when it’s games you enjoy and want to complete, no encouragement can be the worst part of gaming.

Even now when I’m typing this post up if I think too hard about it and I get stumped I feel like almost giving up on the idea of posting something, but then again I kinda think fuck it I don’t care if no one reads this I must write this up!

So continuing on. I’ve noticed a terrible trend in myself, when I get tired of a game take Call of Duty for example, terrible example I know, that game is pretty much the image used for the definition monotony but work with me; I must try and find something similar to fill in that void, now I do play other game genres’ but when I’m in a mood for an FPS I stick to something like that, fast paced and time killing. I think to myself well Call of Duty has gone to shit anyway’s might as well jump onto Battlefield 4, a game which is still not fixed months after it’s release should be better…never mind; plus to be honest with Battlefield I get tired of running around finding fuck all people to shoot at might as well as a walking simulator. Then there is Titanfall, the CoD / Battlefield crown taking killer which again…gets tiresome after a fair while especially if your team sucks! but it’s not just FPS games this happens on, can be a number of different games regardless if it’s a new or old title.

So what’s the best to thing to do? Or should I say what should I do? (as he said ignoring you all) Well in words of Monty Python, Now for something completely different. I’ve recently started jumping on the Indie trend and not in a dick way like many hipsters do. It’s more about finding something new and different, I’ve started playing different indie titles like Hotline Miami (Amazing soundtrack by the way), Luftrausers, Surgeon and Goat Simulator. Whenever I play these, I just find amusement and I become generally entertained and not bored or sick after playing for 10 minutes, I find myself playing for quite sometime and even completing some in a short period of time but I don’t bitch about this game is only 4 hours long what a fucking waste, it more of case of that was fucking fun! Let’s play that again! They are wonderful and it pleases me to know that many more Indie titles are becoming more well…mainstream (damn hipster) It really brings out a side of you that normally wouldn’t bother with certain indie titles although I do enjoy many of newer and nicer indie titles, some just in the same way as AAA titles can be just as shit.

So there you have it, a long arse dribble of a post about my gaming habits. I could of go on for longer but if I did would of gradually would of gotten bored myself and start going off course and repeat myself and repeat myself and…

I’m undecided on the next topic, depends on what mood I’m in or whether I feel like bitching about something. I will point out, I already made a silly mistake in my first post by saying I’d start tomorrow and now 5 days later I actually post something different, so anyone does start reading my blog, I’ll tell you know I’ll post something as and when I can.



First Post!

Well I decided to create a random blog. I’m still yet undecided on which direction I should take with it. The tag line of course does start with Randomness so it would be mostly filed with this. While the Comedy will come as an when and the gaming of course will be all the time! Whether I’ll blog about it I have no idea!

One thing I will point out is the title of the blog itself; Laminate Evil, why? Cause It’s a random set of words that combine are funny also Bill Bailey is amazing and I thank him for giving me a title of my blog! (I do hope he hasn’t copyrighted it then I’ll be scared)

Anyway’s that was my first post, more to hopefully come. Personally I don’t particularly care if no one reads this, I rarely read back the shit I write up anyway’s but if anyone does then I appreciate it and surprised you actually found this sifting through all the others out there more probably worth your time than mine. None the less I thank ye.

Oh I forgot to mention I won’t just be doing typed up randomness all the time, I will also include some drawn up randomness as well, so look forward to that…hurray!

That’s it now first post done, don’t want to dribble on. I will start properly tomorrow so grab your laminator and a cup full of evil and lets Laminate (some) Evil!